- Adl_middleware Middleware layer of the Ada Drivers Library project
- Atomic Standalone Ada/SPARK bindings to GCC atomic built-ins
- Basalt Collection of formally verified building blocks
- Bbqueue DMA friendly lock-free BipBuffer
- Chests Chests are bounded containers
- Cobs Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing (COBS) encoder/decoder
- Cortex_m Drivers for Cortex-M micro-controllers (NVIC, SysTick, etc.)
- Eeprom_i2c EEPROM I2C drivers library for embedded platforms
- Embedded_components Platform agnostic drivers to interface external components
- Esp_idf Ada binding for the ESP-IDF SDK
- Geste GEneric Sprite and Tile Engine
- Hal Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL)
- Itsybitsy_bsp Board support package for Arduino ItsyBitsy
- Itsybitsy_rp2040_bsp Board support package for Arduino ItsyBitsy RP2040
- Littlefs Ada/SPARK binding for the LittleFS flash embedded filesystem
- Microbit_bsp Board Support Package for the BBC micro:bit v1
- Microbit_examples Examples and tutorials for Ada on the BBC micro:bit
- Midi Library to encode and decode MIDI messages
- Minisamd51_bsp Board Support Package for the MiniSAM D51
- Minisamd51_example Example project for the MiniSAM D51
- Nrf5x_hal Drivers and HAL for the Nordic nRF5X micro-controller family
- Pico_bsp Board support package for Raspberry Pi Pico
- Pico_examples Examples for Ada on the Raspberry Pi Pico
- Pygamer_bsp Board Support Package for the AdaFruit PyGamer
- Rp2040_hal Drivers and HAL for the RP2040 micro-controller family
- Samd51_hal Drivers and HAL for the SAMD51 micro-controller family
- St7789 SPI based driver for the ST7789 TFT display
- Startup_gen Generates startup files (crt0 and linker script)
- Stm32f0x2_hal Drivers and HAL for stm32f0x2 mcu family
- Tiny_rp2040_bsp Board support package for Pimoroni Tiny RP2040
- Tresses Synth library inspired by Mutable Instruments Braids
- Usb_embedded An Ada USB stack for embedded devices
- Virtapu A virtual Audio Processing Unit to simulate 8-bit era game sounds
- Bingada Bingo application in GTKAda with sound in ASFML
- Cards 52-card deck playing card library
- Eagle_lander Apollo 11 lunar lander simulator
- Geste GEneric Sprite and Tile Engine
- Honki_tonks_zivilisationen The Code of my 4X turn-based strategy game.
- Mage Mini Ada Game Engine - A very simple game engine written in Ada
- Mage_hat A hat that jumps around and behaves magically
- Mine_detector The Gnoga/Ada-GUI version of Mine Detector
- Orka OpenGL 4.6 rendering kernel written in Ada 2012
- Play_2048 2048 game: merge tiles with the same number until you add up to 2048
- Pygamer_bsp Board Support Package for the AdaFruit PyGamer
- Pygamer_simulator SDL simulator of the AdaFruit PyGamer console
- Shoot_n_loot Platform game for the AdaFruit PyGamer console
- Suika_programing Suika game clone with programing languages
- Tiled_code_gen Generate GESTE data from Tiled maps and tilesets
- Virtapu A virtual Audio Processing Unit to simulate 8-bit era game sounds
- Wordle Wordle for the terminal
- Wordlelib Library to track progress in a game of Wordle
- Atomic Standalone Ada/SPARK bindings to GCC atomic built-ins
- Basalt Collection of formally verified building blocks
- Bbqueue DMA friendly lock-free BipBuffer
- Bigints Experimental SPARK Constant Time Big Integer library
- Blake2s SPARK83 implementation of the BLAKE2s hash function
- Cobs Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing (COBS) encoder/decoder
- Elogs Embedded logging, proven absent of runtime errors
- Endianness Convenience subprograms to convert between Big- and Little-endianness
- Libkeccak SHA-3 and related algorithms
- Program_proofs_in_spark Programs from the book Program Proofs in SPARK
- Saatana SPARK/Ada Algorithms Targeting Advanced Network Applications
- Slip SLIP Protocol Implementation
- Spark_unbound Unbound data structures in Ada-Spark
- Sparknacl Verified SPARK 2014 re-implementation of TweetNaCl cryptographic library
- Spat SPAT - SPARK Proof Analysis Tool
- Vaton Verified Ascii To Number conversion written in Ada/SPARK
- Xoshiro xoshiro128++ and xoshiro256++ pseudo-random number generators
- Aoa_22 Advent of Ada 22 Solutions
- Aoa_23 Some Advent of Ada 2023 solutions
- Globe_3d GLOBE_3D: GL Object Based Engine for 3D
- Globe_3d GLOBE_3D: GL Object Based Engine for 3D
- Ocarina_lib Ocarina is a stand-alone AADL model processor, written in Ada.
- Apdf Portable package for producing dynamically PDF documents
- Ada_caser Applies casing rules to Ada source code.
- Adabots Learn Ada by programming Minecraft robots
- Getada The unofficial mac and linux installer for Alire.
- Gnatformat Opinionated code formatter for the Ada language
- Lal_refactor Source code refactoring utilities for the Ada language
- Libadalang2xml Generates XML for Ada source, using libadalang.
- Libgnatformat opinionated code format library for the Ada language
- Octet_memory_stream Provides a Root_Stream_Type wrapper over an array of octets in memory.
- Avltrees Threaded AVL trees library for Ada
- Blake2s SPARK83 implementation of the BLAKE2s hash function
- B2ssum BLAKE2s file hash utility
- Felix X/Open Native Language System (NLS) for Ada
- Libsimpleio Linux Simple I/O Library
- Mcp2221 MCP2221 USB Raw HID I/O Expander Library for GNAT Ada
- Remoteio Remote I/O Protocol Client Library for GNAT Ada
- Apdf Portable package for producing dynamically PDF documents
- Brackelib Library which contains various utility packages.
- Hac HAC Ada Compiler: a small, quick Ada compiler covering a subset of Ada
- Aoa_22 Advent of Ada 22 Solutions
- Mathpaqs A collection of mathematical, 100% portable, packages
- Alr2appimage Tool to create an AppImage executable from an Alire crate
- Getada The unofficial mac and linux installer for Alire.
- Cheddar Cheddar is a real time scheduling analysis tool.
- Gid Generic Image Decoder - decode a broad variety of image formats
- Gid Generic Image Decoder - decode a broad variety of image formats
- Garlic GNAT Library for Ada Distributed Environment (garlic)
- Gnatdist_garlic The configuration tool gnatdist for GARLIC
- Aaa_texts Utilities to deal with enriched human texts (ANSI, Unicode)
- Ansiada ANSI escape sequences
- Dg_loada dg_loada loads (restores) legacy DG AOS/VS DUMP_II files
- Openai OpenAI client library
- Openapi OpenAPI library to build REST client applications
- Openapi_server OpenAPI library to build REST server applications
- Win32ada Ada API to the Windows library
- Emdee Performance assistant for Musical Directors
- Alr2appimage Tool to create an AppImage executable from an Alire crate
- Azip AZip - A portable Zip Archive Manager
- Lea LEA is a Lightweight Editor for Ada
- Texcad TeXCAD is a program for drawing or retouching {picture}s in LaTeX
- Gnatcoll_gmp GNAT Components Collection - GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic binding
- Azip AZip - A portable Zip Archive Manager
- Dcf Ada 2012 library for document container files, Zip-based archive files
- Zipada Manage Zip Archives and raw BZip2 and LZMA streams
- Zipdcf Tools that can (un)zip document container files, Zip-based archive files
- Getopt POSIX getopt(3) for Ada
- Gnatcoll_gmp GNAT Components Collection - GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic binding
- Enet Ada Embedded Network Stack
- Bit_sets A packed boolean array that saves space and is performant
- Umwi Unicode Monospace Width Information
- Adacl Ada Class Library (String, Trace, AUnit, Smart Pointer. GetOpt)
- Samd51_hal Drivers and HAL for the SAMD51 micro-controller family
- Atomic Standalone Ada/SPARK bindings to GCC atomic built-ins
- Samd51_hal Drivers and HAL for the SAMD51 micro-controller family
- Asfml Ada binding to SFML, the Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
- Audio_base Basic Ada packages for audio applications
- Audio_wavefiles Ada Wavefile Library
- Canberra_ada Ada 2012 bindings for libcanberra
- Linux_hal HAL drivers for Linux userspace
- Musicplayer A Music Player
- Tresses Synth library inspired by Mutable Instruments Braids
- Virtapu A virtual Audio Processing Unit to simulate 8-bit era game sounds
- Adacl Ada Class Library (String, Trace, AUnit, Smart Pointer. GetOpt)
- Security Security Library for HTTP client and server with OAuth2 support
- Automate Ada finite-state machine generator
- Avrada_examples Sample applications in Ada for AVR microcontrollers
- Avrada_lib Library of drivers for AVR microcontrollers
- Avrada_mcu Device (MCU) specific definitions for AVR microcontrollers
- Avrada_rts Minimal run time system (RTS) for AVR 8bit controllers
- Orka_simd Bindings for x86 SIMD extensions like SSE, AVX2, FMA, F16C
- Orka OpenGL 4.6 rendering kernel written in Ada 2012
- Orka_opengl OpenGL 4.6 backend for the Orka rendering engine
- Azip AZip - A portable Zip Archive Manager
- Bar_codes Generate various types of bar codes (1D or 2D) on various media
- Bar_codes Generate various types of bar codes (1D or 2D) on various media
- Bar_code_drawing Creation of bar codes and qr codes
- Bar_codes Generate various types of bar codes (1D or 2D) on various media
- Base64 Base64 encoding/decoding routines
- Rpio Driver for the BCM2835's GPIO, as seen on the Raspberry Pi
- Utilada Utility Library with streams, processes, logs, serialization, encoders
- Geo_coords Geo coordinates calculation for determining Location, Distance, Bearing
- Specfun Native Ada library of special functions (e.g., beta, gamma)
- Specfun Native Ada library of special functions (e.g., beta, gamma)
- Byteflippers Signed/modular types for system, big and little endian reading/writing.
- Controlled_io Files that are open while they exist and closed when they don't
- Binary_trees Ordered binary trees implemented without access types
- Bingada Bingo application in GTKAda with sound in ASFML
- Bbqueue DMA friendly lock-free BipBuffer
- Bit_sets A packed boolean array that saves space and is performant
- Adl_middleware Middleware layer of the Ada Drivers Library project
- Gid Generic Image Decoder - decode a broad variety of image formats
- St7789 SPI based driver for the ST7789 TFT display
- Tiny_text Low resolution bitmap font with a small memory footprint
- Bbt Black box test runner
- B2ssum BLAKE2s file hash utility
- Blake2s SPARK83 implementation of the BLAKE2s hash function
- B2ssum BLAKE2s file hash utility
- Blake2s SPARK83 implementation of the BLAKE2s hash function
- Nrf5x_hal Drivers and HAL for the Nordic nRF5X micro-controller family
- Bar_code_drawing Creation of bar codes and qr codes
- Gid Generic Image Decoder - decode a broad variety of image formats
- Image_io Output in BMP,PPM,QOI;input in BMP,GIF,JPG,PNG,PNM,QOI,TGA
- Anagram Grammar handling and parser generation Ada library
- Bit_sets A packed boolean array that saves space and is performant
- Dirty_booleans Comparisons with 0/1, T/F, Y/N, Yes/No, etc.
- Chests Chests are bounded containers
- Byteflippers Signed/modular types for system, big and little endian reading/writing.
- Octet_memory_stream Provides a Root_Stream_Type wrapper over an array of octets in memory.
- Zipada Manage Zip Archives and raw BZip2 and LZMA streams
- Texcad TeXCAD is a program for drawing or retouching {picture}s in LaTeX
- Pragmarc The PragmAda Reusable Components
- Ada_caser Applies casing rules to Ada source code.
- Matreshka_xml Library to manipulate with XML streams and documents
- Ini_files A standalone, portable Ada package for configuration files
- Ini_files A standalone, portable Ada package for configuration files
- Chacha20 ChaCha20 implementation in Ada.
- Bingada Bingo application in GTKAda with sound in ASFML
- Adabots Learn Ada by programming Minecraft robots
- Raiden An Ada implemenetation of a block cipher called Raiden.
- Clic Command Line Interface Components
- Gnatcoll_readline GNAT Components Collection - readline binding
- Parse_args An Ada 2012 package to parse command line arguments and options
- Umwi Unicode Monospace Width Information
- Cobs Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing (COBS) encoder/decoder
- Bar_codes Generate various types of bar codes (1D or 2D) on various media
- Septum An interactive context-based text search tool for large codebases.
- Bar_code_drawing Creation of bar codes and qr codes
- Bar_codes Generate various types of bar codes (1D or 2D) on various media
- Globe_3d GLOBE_3D: GL Object Based Engine for 3D
- Gid Generic Image Decoder - decode a broad variety of image formats
- Umwi Unicode Monospace Width Information
- Ashell Allows running and interacting with OS programs.
- Adacl Ada Class Library (String, Trace, AUnit, Smart Pointer. GetOpt)
- Clic Command Line Interface Components
- Cmd_ada Command based text UI, inspired by Python cmd module
- Parse_args An Ada 2012 package to parse command line arguments and options
- Progress_indicators Ways of displaying progress in command line tools.
- Rsfile Randomly pick a file with probability proportional to its size
- Trendy_terminal Terminal options, setup, tab completion and hinting.
- Hac HAC Ada Compiler: a small, quick Ada compiler covering a subset of Ada
- Gnatcoll_lzma GNAT Components Collection - lzma binding
- Gnatcoll_zlib GNAT Components Collection - zlib binding
- Lzmada Ada LZMA Library Binding
- Z_compression Standalone version of the Zlib Deflate compression algorithm
- Zipada Manage Zip Archives and raw BZip2 and LZMA streams
- Cgk Computational Geometry Kernel
- Adabots Learn Ada by programming Minecraft robots
- Dotenv Loads environment variables from .env for Ada projects.
- Ini_files A standalone, portable Ada package for configuration files
- Ini_files A standalone, portable Ada package for configuration files
- Aaa_texts Utilities to deal with enriched human texts (ANSI, Unicode)
- Cbsg Corporate Bullshit Generator library
- Dummyserver DummyServer is a terminal program that serves dummy content
- Printer_toolkit Printer toolkit to write reports
- Progress_indicators Ways of displaying progress in command line tools.
- Pygamer_bsp Board Support Package for the AdaFruit PyGamer
- Pygamer_simulator SDL simulator of the AdaFruit PyGamer console
- Trendy_terminal Terminal options, setup, tab completion and hinting.
- Wordle Wordle for the terminal
- Wordlelib Library to track progress in a game of Wordle
- Adacl Ada Class Library (String, Trace, AUnit, Smart Pointer. GetOpt)
- Dcf Ada 2012 library for document container files, Zip-based archive files
- List_image helper to dump iterable containers with customizable style
- Zipdcf Tools that can (un)zip document container files, Zip-based archive files
- Chests Chests are bounded containers
- Minimal_containers Much reduced version of Ada.Containers (bounded Maps, Vectors)
- Pragmarc The PragmAda Reusable Components
- Stephes_ada_library Stephe's Ada library; miscellaneous useful stuff.
- Yeison A JSON-like data structure using Ada 2022 features
- Yeison_12 A JSON-like data structure (Ada 2012 version)
- Mathpaqs A collection of mathematical, 100% portable, packages
- Mathpaqs A collection of mathematical, 100% portable, packages
- Controlled_io Files that are open while they exist and closed when they don't
- Lml Lightweight Markup Language conversions
- Pragmarc The PragmAda Reusable Components
- Geo_coords Geo coordinates calculation for determining Location, Distance, Bearing
- Task_coroutines Coroutines and generators using only standard tasking features
- Sciada Collection of Scientific Operations
- A0b_armv7m ARMv7-M support (Cortex-M3, Cortex-M4, Cortex-M7)
- A0b_armv7m ARMv7-M support (Cortex-M3, Cortex-M4, Cortex-M7)
- A0b_armv7m ARMv7-M support (Cortex-M3, Cortex-M4, Cortex-M7)
- A0b_armv7m ARMv7-M support (Cortex-M3, Cortex-M4, Cortex-M7)
- Iso ISO Standard references for Ada such as 1366 & 4217 (Country & Currency)
- Loadcpm Write CP/M (or other similar binary) to floppy disk image
- Checksum Algorithms for error-checking
- Crc_32 Cyclic Redundancy Check to verify data integrity (ISO 3309)
- Bigints Experimental SPARK Constant Time Big Integer library
- Chacha20 ChaCha20 implementation in Ada.
- Fastpbkdf2_ada Binding and an Ada wrapper to fastpbkdf2
- Hmac HMAC implemented in Ada
- Libkeccak SHA-3 and related algorithms
- Pbkdf2 PBKDF2 implemented in Ada
- Raiden An Ada implemenetation of a block cipher called Raiden.
- Saatana SPARK/Ada Algorithms Targeting Advanced Network Applications
- Sha1 Secure Hash Algorithm 1 implemented in Ada
- Sha2 Secure Hash Algorithm 2 implemented in Ada
- Sparknacl Verified SPARK 2014 re-implementation of TweetNaCl cryptographic library
- System_random Minimal library to retrieve random data from system sources
- Iso ISO Standard references for Ada such as 1366 & 4217 (Country & Currency)
- Cashe A fixed-point decimal money library written in Ada.
- Sparknacl Verified SPARK 2014 re-implementation of TweetNaCl cryptographic library
- Libsimpleio Linux Simple I/O Library
- Mcp2221 MCP2221 USB Raw HID I/O Expander Library for GNAT Ada
- Remoteio Remote I/O Protocol Client Library for GNAT Ada
- Crc_32 Cyclic Redundancy Check to verify data integrity (ISO 3309)
- Qplt An Ada-GUI program to quickly produce a plot of a data set
- Dg_loada dg_loada loads (restores) legacy DG AOS/VS DUMP_II files
- Bar_codes Generate various types of bar codes (1D or 2D) on various media
- Avltrees Threaded AVL trees library for Ada
- Bar_codes Generate various types of bar codes (1D or 2D) on various media
- Pragmarc The PragmAda Reusable Components
- Cashe A fixed-point decimal money library written in Ada.
- Cards 52-card deck playing card library
- Gid Generic Image Decoder - decode a broad variety of image formats
- Utilada Utility Library with streams, processes, logs, serialization, encoders
- Gid Generic Image Decoder - decode a broad variety of image formats
- Gid Generic Image Decoder - decode a broad variety of image formats
- Gnatcoll_zlib GNAT Components Collection - zlib binding
- Z_compression Standalone version of the Zlib Deflate compression algorithm
- Zipada Manage Zip Archives and raw BZip2 and LZMA streams
- Bbs_embed_linux Physical device drivers for Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone Black
- Dg_loada dg_loada loads (restores) legacy DG AOS/VS DUMP_II files
- Enet Ada Embedded Network Stack
- Gid Generic Image Decoder - decode a broad variety of image formats
- Ashell Allows running and interacting with OS programs.
- St7789 SPI based driver for the ST7789 TFT display
- Geo_coords Geo coordinates calculation for determining Location, Distance, Bearing
- Pico_ultrasonic_ranger Driver for the Grove ultrasonic ranger. Depends on the RP Pico HAL.
- Garlic GNAT Library for Ada Distributed Environment (garlic)
- Gnatdist_garlic The configuration tool gnatdist for GARLIC
- Zeromq_ada An Ada-binding the ØMQ library
- Enet Ada Embedded Network Stack
- Dcf Ada 2012 library for document container files, Zip-based archive files
- Zipdcf Tools that can (un)zip document container files, Zip-based archive files
- Gnatdoc GNAT Documentation Generation Tool
- Libgnatdoc GNAT Documentation Generation Tool (as a library)
- Matreshka_xml Library to manipulate with XML streams and documents
- Wikiada Wiki Engine with parser and renderer for several wiki syntaxes
- Dotenv Loads environment variables from .env for Ada projects.
- Texcad TeXCAD is a program for drawing or retouching {picture}s in LaTeX
- Texcad TeXCAD is a program for drawing or retouching {picture}s in LaTeX
- Bme280 Driver for BME280 Humidity sensor
- Enet_stm32 ENet driver for STM32
- Ethernet Root crate for ethernet namespace and MDIO/SMI/MIIM interface
- Hmc5883 Driver for HMC5883L magnetic sensor
- Qmc5883 Driver for QMC5883L magnetic sensor
- St7789 SPI based driver for the ST7789 TFT display
- Avrada_lib Library of drivers for AVR microcontrollers
- Nrf5x_hal Drivers and HAL for the Nordic nRF5X micro-controller family
- Rp2040_hal Drivers and HAL for the RP2040 micro-controller family
- Samd51_hal Drivers and HAL for the SAMD51 micro-controller family
- St7789 SPI based driver for the ST7789 TFT display
- Stm32f0x2_hal Drivers and HAL for stm32f0x2 mcu family
- Mavlink_common MAVLink -- Micro Air Vehicle Message Marshalling Library.
- Garlic GNAT Library for Ada Distributed Environment (garlic)
- Gnatdist_garlic The configuration tool gnatdist for GARLIC
- Bar_code_drawing Creation of bar codes and qr codes
- Bar_codes Generate various types of bar codes (1D or 2D) on various media
- Umwi Unicode Monospace Width Information
- Anagram Grammar handling and parser generation Ada library
- Get_password Read a string without echo, in password-like style
- Sparknacl Verified SPARK 2014 re-implementation of TweetNaCl cryptographic library
- Ada_caser Applies casing rules to Ada source code.
- Lea LEA is a Lightweight Editor for Ada
- Lined Ada Implementation of the Line Editor from Software Tools
- Eeprom_i2c EEPROM I2C drivers library for embedded platforms
- Conic_fit Least squares fitting of quadratic curves and surfaces
- Gnatcoll GNAT Components Collection - Core packages
- Are Advanced Resource Embedder
- Emojis A library to replace names between colons with emojis
- Umwi Unicode Monospace Width Information
- Umwi Unicode Monospace Width Information
- Simh_tapes Library to handle SimH Standard magnetic tape image files
- Utilada Utility Library with streams, processes, logs, serialization, encoders
- Matreshka_league League - universal string library. Part of Matreshka framework
- Qoi Ada/SPARK implementation of the Quite Ok Image format
- Texts A no-frills library to deal with Unicode texts in Ada 2012
- Pragmarc The PragmAda Reusable Components
- Byteflippers Signed/modular types for system, big and little endian reading/writing.
- Endianness Convenience subprograms to convert between Big- and Little-endianness
- Powerjoular Monitoring the power consumption of multiple platforms and processes
- Mage Mini Ada Game Engine - A very simple game engine written in Ada
- Orka OpenGL 4.6 rendering kernel written in Ada 2012
- Dotenv Loads environment variables from .env for Ada projects.
- Dotenv Loads environment variables from .env for Ada projects.
- Epoll Linux epoll binding
- Esp_idf Ada binding for the ESP-IDF SDK
- Evdev Library for input devices and force-feedback using Linux' evdev API
- Exsytrawo Exception Symbolic Traceback Workaround for macOS
- Elada Expression Language Library (JSR245)
- Elada Expression Language Library (JSR245)
- Orka_simd Bindings for x86 SIMD extensions like SSE, AVX2, FMA, F16C
- Serverfaces_unit Web Server Faces JSR 252, JSR 314 and JSR 344 (Testing framework)
- Bingada Bingo application in GTKAda with sound in ASFML
- Bb_pico_bsp Ada BSP for the Keyboard Featherwing + RPI PICO
- Emdee Performance assistant for Musical Directors
- Azip AZip - A portable Zip Archive Manager
- Rsfile Randomly pick a file with probability proportional to its size
- Littlefs Ada/SPARK binding for the LittleFS flash embedded filesystem
- Cashe A fixed-point decimal money library written in Ada.
- Conic_fit Least squares fitting of quadratic curves and surfaces
- Emdee Performance assistant for Musical Directors
- Getopt POSIX getopt(3) for Ada
- Littlefs Ada/SPARK binding for the LittleFS flash embedded filesystem
- Byteflippers Signed/modular types for system, big and little endian reading/writing.
- Orka_simd Bindings for x86 SIMD extensions like SSE, AVX2, FMA, F16C
- Tiny_text Low resolution bitmap font with a small memory footprint
- Evdev Library for input devices and force-feedback using Linux' evdev API
- Mathpaqs A collection of mathematical, 100% portable, packages
- St7789 SPI based driver for the ST7789 TFT display
- Awa Ada Web Application
- Awa_unit Ada Web Application (Testing framework)
- Serverfaces_unit Web Server Faces JSR 252, JSR 314 and JSR 344 (Testing framework)
- Iterators Functional iterators a la Rust
- Optional Optional values a la java.lang.Optional
- Bingada Bingo application in GTKAda with sound in ASFML
- Cards 52-card deck playing card library
- Eagle_lander Apollo 11 lunar lander simulator
- Geste GEneric Sprite and Tile Engine
- Honki_tonks_zivilisationen The Code of my 4X turn-based strategy game.
- Mage Mini Ada Game Engine - A very simple game engine written in Ada
- Mage_hat A hat that jumps around and behaves magically
- Mine_detector The Gnoga/Ada-GUI version of Mine Detector
- Orka OpenGL 4.6 rendering kernel written in Ada 2012
- Play_2048 2048 game: merge tiles with the same number until you add up to 2048
- Pygamer_bsp Board Support Package for the AdaFruit PyGamer
- Pygamer_simulator SDL simulator of the AdaFruit PyGamer console
- Shoot_n_loot Platform game for the AdaFruit PyGamer console
- Suika_programing Suika game clone with programing languages
- Tiled_code_gen Generate GESTE data from Tiled maps and tilesets
- Virtapu A virtual Audio Processing Unit to simulate 8-bit era game sounds
- Wordle Wordle for the terminal
- Wordlelib Library to track progress in a game of Wordle
- Asfml Ada binding to SFML, the Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
- Sdlada Ada 2012 SDL 2.x bindings.
- Specfun Native Ada library of special functions (e.g., beta, gamma)
- Aicwl Ada Industrial Control Widgets Library
- Wisitoken Generalized error correcting LALR and packrat parser generator
- Ada_pretty Ada Pretty Printer Library
- Aflex An Ada Lexical Analyzer Generator
- Anagram Grammar handling and parser generation Ada library
- Are Advanced Resource Embedder
- Automate Ada finite-state machine generator
- Ayacc An Ada LARL(1) parser generator
- Dynamo Dynamo Ada Generator
- Libadalang_tools Ada semantic analysis library extension and tools
- Protobuf Google Protocol Buffers implementation in Ada
- Task_coroutines Coroutines and generators using only standard tasking features
- Wisitoken Generalized error correcting LALR and packrat parser generator
- Yass Static website generator
- Geo_coords Geo coordinates calculation for determining Location, Distance, Bearing
- Cgk Computational Geometry Kernel
- Getopt POSIX getopt(3) for Ada
- Bbt Black box test runner
- Easy_graphics Very Simple Graphics Package
- Gid Generic Image Decoder - decode a broad variety of image formats
- Image_io Output in BMP,PPM,QOI;input in BMP,GIF,JPG,PNG,PNM,QOI,TGA
- Globe_3d GLOBE_3D: GL Object Based Engine for 3D
- Garlic GNAT Library for Ada Distributed Environment (garlic)
- Gnatdist_garlic The configuration tool gnatdist for GARLIC
- Spawn_glib A simple library to spawn processes and communicate with them.
- Orka OpenGL 4.6 rendering kernel written in Ada 2012
- Orka_plugin_gltf Orka plug-in for loading glTF models
- Orka_tools Tools for the Orka rendering kernel
- Gnatcoll_gmp GNAT Components Collection - GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic binding
- Ppag First steps with Gnoga
- Aflex An Ada Lexical Analyzer Generator
- Anagram Grammar handling and parser generation Ada library
- Ayacc An Ada LARL(1) parser generator
- Umwi Unicode Monospace Width Information
- Adagl_gtk3 OpenGL/Gtk3 binding
- Aicwl Ada Industrial Control Widgets Library
- Bingada Bingo application in GTKAda with sound in ASFML
- Dashera DASHER Terminal Emulator
- Eagle_lander Apollo 11 lunar lander simulator
- Gtkada An Ada graphical toolkit based on Gtk+
- Ulid Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier
- Uuids Implementation of RFC 9562 Universally Unique IDentifiers (UUIDs)
- Hac HAC Ada Compiler: a small, quick Ada compiler covering a subset of Ada
- Lea LEA is a Lightweight Editor for Ada
- Hal Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL)
- Linux_hal HAL drivers for Linux userspace
- Tiny_text Low resolution bitmap font with a small memory footprint
- Bb_pico_bsp Ada BSP for the Keyboard Featherwing + RPI PICO
- B2ssum BLAKE2s file hash utility
- Blake2s SPARK83 implementation of the BLAKE2s hash function
- Libkeccak SHA-3 and related algorithms
- Geo_coords Geo coordinates calculation for determining Location, Distance, Bearing
- Hello 'Hello, world!' demonstration project
- Libhello Basic library demonstration project
- Hex_format Hexadecimal string formatting for modular types
- Hmac HMAC implemented in Ada
- Ada_gui An Ada-oriented GUI
- Bbs_webif Simple web server to provide an interface to embedded instruments
- List_image helper to dump iterable containers with customizable style
- Wikiada Wiki Engine with parser and renderer for several wiki syntaxes
- Matreshka_xml Library to manipulate with XML streams and documents
- Aws Ada Web Server
- Gnoga gnoga - The GNU Omnificent GUI for Ada
- Bme280 Driver for BME280 Humidity sensor
- Enet Ada Embedded Network Stack
- Ulid Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier
- Easy_graphics Very Simple Graphics Package
- Gid Generic Image Decoder - decode a broad variety of image formats
- Image_io Output in BMP,PPM,QOI;input in BMP,GIF,JPG,PNG,PNM,QOI,TGA
- Qoi Ada/SPARK implementation of the Quite Ok Image format
- Ini_files A standalone, portable Ada package for configuration files
- Ini_files A standalone, portable Ada package for configuration files
- Inotify Monitor filesystem events using Linux' inotify API
- Bigints Experimental SPARK Constant Time Big Integer library
- Controlled_io Files that are open while they exist and closed when they don't
- Image_io Output in BMP,PPM,QOI;input in BMP,GIF,JPG,PNG,PNM,QOI,TGA
- Enet Ada Embedded Network Stack
- Enet Ada Embedded Network Stack
- Iso ISO Standard references for Ada such as 1366 & 4217 (Country & Currency)
- Iso ISO Standard references for Ada such as 1366 & 4217 (Country & Currency)
- Crc_32 Cyclic Redundancy Check to verify data integrity (ISO 3309)
- List_image helper to dump iterable containers with customizable style
- Axmpp XMPP client library in Ada
- Jintp Template parser in Ada based on Jinja2
- Jintp Template parser in Ada based on Jinja2
- Awa Ada Web Application
- Awa_unit Ada Web Application (Testing framework)
- Gid Generic Image Decoder - decode a broad variety of image formats
- Gid Generic Image Decoder - decode a broad variety of image formats
- Image_io Output in BMP,PPM,QOI;input in BMP,GIF,JPG,PNG,PNM,QOI,TGA
- Serverfaces_unit Web Server Faces JSR 252, JSR 314 and JSR 344 (Testing framework)
- Gnatcoll GNAT Components Collection - Core packages
- Json An Ada 2012 library for parsing JSON
- Jwt JSON Web Token (JWT) implementation in Ada
- Lml Lightweight Markup Language conversions
- Matreshka_league League - universal string library. Part of Matreshka framework
- Serverfaces Web Server Faces JSR 252, JSR 314 and JSR 344
- Servletada Web Servlet Library following JSR 154, JSR 315 (Core)
- Servletada_aws Web Servlet Library following JSR 154, JSR 315 (AWS)
- Servletada_ews Web Servlet Library following JSR 154, JSR 315 (EWS)
- Servletada_unit Web Servlet Library following JSR 154, JSR 315 (Testing framework)
- Utilada Utility Library with streams, processes, logs, serialization, encoders
- Vss Advanced string and text manipulation with Unicode support
- Yeison A JSON-like data structure using Ada 2022 features
- Yeison_12 A JSON-like data structure (Ada 2012 version)
- Ajunitgen Generator of JUnit-compatible XML reports
- Jwt JSON Web Token (JWT) implementation in Ada
- Jwt JSON Web Token (JWT) implementation in Ada
- Security Security Library for HTTP client and server with OAuth2 support
- Adare_hqc256 Post Quantum Computer Resistant Cryptograph KEM, HQC 256 Ada bind.
- Lmdb_ada Bindings to the Lightning Memory-Mapped Database
- Keypadder Programmable virtual keypad for your Linux desktop
- Keypadder Programmable virtual keypad for your Linux desktop
- Orka OpenGL 4.6 rendering kernel written in Ada 2012
- Orka_tools Tools for the Orka rendering kernel
- Mathpaqs A collection of mathematical, 100% portable, packages
- Felix X/Open Native Language System (NLS) for Ada
- Lml Lightweight Markup Language conversions
- Texcad TeXCAD is a program for drawing or retouching {picture}s in LaTeX
- Utf8test Test the terminal behavior when outputting Latin-1 and UTF-8 strings
- Geo_coords Geo coordinates calculation for determining Location, Distance, Bearing
- Spawn A simple library to spawn processes and communicate with them.
- Spawn_glib A simple library to spawn processes and communicate with them.
- Lea LEA is a Lightweight Editor for Ada
- Adabots Learn Ada by programming Minecraft robots
- Dg_loada dg_loada loads (restores) legacy DG AOS/VS DUMP_II files
- Simh_tapes Library to handle SimH Standard magnetic tape image files
- Opentoken facility for performing token analysis and parsing within Ada
- Libgnatformat opinionated code format library for the Ada language
- Adacl Ada Class Library (String, Trace, AUnit, Smart Pointer. GetOpt)
- Adacl_eastrings Ada Class Library - EAStrings
- Adacl_regexp Ada Class Library - Regular Expressions
- Libhello Basic library demonstration project
- Spdx SPDX License Expression Validator
- Spdx_tool SPDX license detection and management tool
- Lined Ada Implementation of the Line Editor from Software Tools
- Mathpaqs A collection of mathematical, 100% portable, packages
- Bbs_lisp Embedable tiny lisp interpreter
- Lispcli Simple program for exploring tiny lisp
- List_image helper to dump iterable containers with customizable style
- Byteflippers Signed/modular types for system, big and little endian reading/writing.
- Felix X/Open Native Language System (NLS) for Ada
- Felix X/Open Native Language System (NLS) for Ada
- Bbqueue DMA friendly lock-free BipBuffer
- Elogs Embedded logging, proven absent of runtime errors
- Journada Simple and nice configurable logging
- Adacl Ada Class Library (String, Trace, AUnit, Smart Pointer. GetOpt)
- Elogs Embedded logging, proven absent of runtime errors
- Gnatcoll_syslog GNAT Components Collection - syslog binding
- Journada Simple and nice configurable logging
- Loga Simple library for simple logging. Like npm package "debug", but for Ada
- Simple_logging Simple logging to console
- Utilada Utility Library with streams, processes, logs, serialization, encoders
- Geo_coords Geo coordinates calculation for determining Location, Distance, Bearing
- Gid Generic Image Decoder - decode a broad variety of image formats
- Gid Generic Image Decoder - decode a broad variety of image formats
- Byteflippers Signed/modular types for system, big and little endian reading/writing.
- Gnatcoll_lzma GNAT Components Collection - lzma binding
- Lzmada Ada LZMA Library Binding
- Utilada_lzma Utility Library streams with LZMA support
- Zipada Manage Zip Archives and raw BZip2 and LZMA streams
- Zipada Manage Zip Archives and raw BZip2 and LZMA streams
- Keypadder Programmable virtual keypad for your Linux desktop
- Keypadder Programmable virtual keypad for your Linux desktop
- Mage_hat A hat that jumps around and behaves magically
- Magicada Magic Number Recognition Library Ada binding
- Simh_tapes Library to handle SimH Standard magnetic tape image files
- Hmc5883 Driver for HMC5883L magnetic sensor
- Qmc5883 Driver for QMC5883L magnetic sensor
- Simh_tapes Library to handle SimH Standard magnetic tape image files
- Rejuvenation Analysis and manipulation of Ada code based on concrete patterns
- Rewriters Easy, yet advanced manipulation of Ada code
- Bbt Black box test runner
- List_image helper to dump iterable containers with customizable style
- Markdown Markdown parser (draft)
- Wikiada Wiki Engine with parser and renderer for several wiki syntaxes
- Yass Static website generator
- Lml Lightweight Markup Language conversions
- Pragmarc The PragmAda Reusable Components
- Euler_tools Assortment of mathematical functions to solve Project Euler problems.
- Mathpaqs A collection of mathematical, 100% portable, packages
- Mcp2221 MCP2221 USB Raw HID I/O Expander Library for GNAT Ada
- Ethernet Root crate for ethernet namespace and MDIO/SMI/MIIM interface
- Axmpp XMPP client library in Ada
- Zeromq_ada An Ada-binding the ØMQ library
- Samd51_hal Drivers and HAL for the SAMD51 micro-controller family
- Emdee Performance assistant for Musical Directors
- Midi Library to encode and decode MIDI messages
- Rtmidi Ada "middleweight" binding for the rtMIDI library
- Usb_embedded An Ada USB stack for embedded devices
- Ethernet Root crate for ethernet namespace and MDIO/SMI/MIIM interface
- Uri_mime URI & MIME Type Parsing and Manupulation
- Adabots Learn Ada by programming Minecraft robots
- Aaa Alex's Ada Assortment (of miscellaneous utilities)
- Wl_lib Handy library packages
- Keypadder Programmable virtual keypad for your Linux desktop
- Cheddar Cheddar is a real time scheduling analysis tool.
- Ocarina_lib Ocarina is a stand-alone AADL model processor, written in Ada.
- Cashe A fixed-point decimal money library written in Ada.
- Umwi Unicode Monospace Width Information
- Libsimpleio Linux Simple I/O Library
- Mcp2221 MCP2221 USB Raw HID I/O Expander Library for GNAT Ada
- Remoteio Remote I/O Protocol Client Library for GNAT Ada
- Emdee Performance assistant for Musical Directors
- Byteflippers Signed/modular types for system, big and little endian reading/writing.
- Bar_code_drawing Creation of bar codes and qr codes
- Bar_codes Generate various types of bar codes (1D or 2D) on various media
- Emdee Performance assistant for Musical Directors
- Musicplayer A Music Player
- Rtmidi Ada "middleweight" binding for the rtMIDI library
- Sparknacl Verified SPARK 2014 re-implementation of TweetNaCl cryptographic library
- Hac HAC Ada Compiler: a small, quick Ada compiler covering a subset of Ada
- Ncursesada Ada binding to the ncurses text user interface library
- Epoll Linux epoll binding
- Enet Ada Embedded Network Stack
- Enet_stm32 ENet driver for STM32
- Ethernet Root crate for ethernet namespace and MDIO/SMI/MIIM interface
- Garlic GNAT Library for Ada Distributed Environment (garlic)
- Gnatdist_garlic The configuration tool gnatdist for GARLIC
- Mavlink_common MAVLink -- Micro Air Vehicle Message Marshalling Library.
- Zeromq_ada An Ada-binding the ØMQ library
- Felix X/Open Native Language System (NLS) for Ada
- Intl NLS thin Ada binding
- Lvgl_ada Bindings for the LVGL embedded GUI framework
- Binary_trees Ordered binary trees implemented without access types
- Nrf5x_hal Drivers and HAL for the Nordic nRF5X micro-controller family
- Adl_middleware Middleware layer of the Ada Drivers Library project
- Atomic Standalone Ada/SPARK bindings to GCC atomic built-ins
- Basalt Collection of formally verified building blocks
- Bbqueue DMA friendly lock-free BipBuffer
- Chests Chests are bounded containers
- Cobs Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing (COBS) encoder/decoder
- Cortex_m Drivers for Cortex-M micro-controllers (NVIC, SysTick, etc.)
- Eeprom_i2c EEPROM I2C drivers library for embedded platforms
- Embedded_components Platform agnostic drivers to interface external components
- Esp_idf Ada binding for the ESP-IDF SDK
- Geste GEneric Sprite and Tile Engine
- Hal Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL)
- Itsybitsy_bsp Board support package for Arduino ItsyBitsy
- Itsybitsy_rp2040_bsp Board support package for Arduino ItsyBitsy RP2040
- Littlefs Ada/SPARK binding for the LittleFS flash embedded filesystem
- Microbit_bsp Board Support Package for the BBC micro:bit v1
- Microbit_examples Examples and tutorials for Ada on the BBC micro:bit
- Midi Library to encode and decode MIDI messages
- Minisamd51_bsp Board Support Package for the MiniSAM D51
- Minisamd51_example Example project for the MiniSAM D51
- Nrf5x_hal Drivers and HAL for the Nordic nRF5X micro-controller family
- Pico_bsp Board support package for Raspberry Pi Pico
- Pico_examples Examples for Ada on the Raspberry Pi Pico
- Pygamer_bsp Board Support Package for the AdaFruit PyGamer
- Rp2040_hal Drivers and HAL for the RP2040 micro-controller family
- Samd51_hal Drivers and HAL for the SAMD51 micro-controller family
- St7789 SPI based driver for the ST7789 TFT display
- Startup_gen Generates startup files (crt0 and linker script)
- Stm32f0x2_hal Drivers and HAL for stm32f0x2 mcu family
- Tiny_rp2040_bsp Board support package for Pimoroni Tiny RP2040
- Tresses Synth library inspired by Mutable Instruments Braids
- Usb_embedded An Ada USB stack for embedded devices
- Virtapu A virtual Audio Processing Unit to simulate 8-bit era game sounds
- Microbit_bsp Board Support Package for the BBC micro:bit v1
- Microbit_examples Examples and tutorials for Ada on the BBC micro:bit
- Nrf5x_hal Drivers and HAL for the Nordic nRF5X micro-controller family
- Nrf5x_hal Drivers and HAL for the Nordic nRF5X micro-controller family
- Enet Ada Embedded Network Stack
- Hnumerics Operations for dual numbers
- Mathpaqs A collection of mathematical, 100% portable, packages
- Specfun Native Ada library of special functions (e.g., beta, gamma)
- Security Security Library for HTTP client and server with OAuth2 support
- Rxada Experimental implementation of ReactiveX in Ada
- Sciada Collection of Scientific Operations
- Emdee Performance assistant for Musical Directors
- Openai OpenAI client library
- Openapi OpenAPI library to build REST client applications
- Openapi_server OpenAPI library to build REST server applications
- Optional Optional values a la java.lang.Optional
- Getopt POSIX getopt(3) for Ada
- Ashell Allows running and interacting with OS programs.
- Alr2appimage Tool to create an AppImage executable from an Alire crate
- Bit_sets A packed boolean array that saves space and is performant
- Workers Simple task pool for parallelization
- Mathpaqs A collection of mathematical, 100% portable, packages
- Aflex An Ada Lexical Analyzer Generator
- Ayacc An Ada LARL(1) parser generator
- Elada Expression Language Library (JSR245)
- Emacs_gpr_mode parser for Emacs gpr mode
- Emacs_wisitoken_grammar_mode parser for Emacs wisitoken-grammar mode
- Hac HAC Ada Compiler: a small, quick Ada compiler covering a subset of Ada
- Nmea_0183 NMEA 0183 message decoder
- Opentoken facility for performing token analysis and parsing within Ada
- Wikiada Wiki Engine with parser and renderer for several wiki syntaxes
- Wisitoken Generalized error correcting LALR and packrat parser generator
- Splitter A function to emulate "split" as implemented in Ruby
- Get_password Read a string without echo, in password-like style
- Bar_code_drawing Creation of bar codes and qr codes
- Bar_codes Generate various types of bar codes (1D or 2D) on various media
- Gid Generic Image Decoder - decode a broad variety of image formats
- Apdf Portable package for producing dynamically PDF documents
- Bar_codes Generate various types of bar codes (1D or 2D) on various media
- Security Security Library for HTTP client and server with OAuth2 support
- Gid Generic Image Decoder - decode a broad variety of image formats
- Ethernet Root crate for ethernet namespace and MDIO/SMI/MIIM interface
- Texcad TeXCAD is a program for drawing or retouching {picture}s in LaTeX
- Spawn A simple library to spawn processes and communicate with them.
- Spawn_glib A simple library to spawn processes and communicate with them.
- Cards 52-card deck playing card library
- Emdee Performance assistant for Musical Directors
- Qplt An Ada-GUI program to quickly produce a plot of a data set
- Bar_codes Generate various types of bar codes (1D or 2D) on various media
- Gid Generic Image Decoder - decode a broad variety of image formats
- Image_io Output in BMP,PPM,QOI;input in BMP,GIF,JPG,PNG,PNM,QOI,TGA
- Gid Generic Image Decoder - decode a broad variety of image formats
- Image_io Output in BMP,PPM,QOI;input in BMP,GIF,JPG,PNG,PNM,QOI,TGA
- Mathpaqs A collection of mathematical, 100% portable, packages
- Mathpaqs A collection of mathematical, 100% portable, packages
- Workers Simple task pool for parallelization
- Sdlada Ada 2012 SDL 2.x bindings.
- Globe_3d GLOBE_3D: GL Object Based Engine for 3D
- Florist_blady POSIX Ada Bindings
- Spoon Use posix_spawn() to spawn processes without forking
- Gnatcoll_postgres GNAT Components Collection - postgres
- Ado_all Ada Database Objects (All drivers)
- Ado_postgresql Ada Database Objects (PostgreSQL)
- Gnatcoll_postgres GNAT Components Collection - postgres
- Matreshka_sql_postgresql PostgreSQL binding for Ada
- Powerjoular Monitoring the power consumption of multiple platforms and processes
- Easy_graphics Very Simple Graphics Package
- Gid Generic Image Decoder - decode a broad variety of image formats
- Image_io Output in BMP,PPM,QOI;input in BMP,GIF,JPG,PNG,PNM,QOI,TGA
- Adare_dilithium5 Post Quantum Computer Resistant Cryptograph Sign, Dilithium5 Ada bind.
- Adare_hqc256 Post Quantum Computer Resistant Cryptograph KEM, HQC 256 Ada bind.
- Gnatcoll_gmp GNAT Components Collection - GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic binding
- Bme280 Driver for BME280 Humidity sensor
- Bigints Experimental SPARK Constant Time Big Integer library
- Mathpaqs A collection of mathematical, 100% portable, packages
- Ashell Allows running and interacting with OS programs.
- Spawn A simple library to spawn processes and communicate with them.
- Spawn_glib A simple library to spawn processes and communicate with them.
- Spoon Use posix_spawn() to spawn processes without forking
- Utilada Utility Library with streams, processes, logs, serialization, encoders
- Keypadder Programmable virtual keypad for your Linux desktop
- Euler_tools Assortment of mathematical functions to solve Project Euler problems.
- Conic_fit Least squares fitting of quadratic curves and surfaces
- Gnatcoll GNAT Components Collection - Core packages
- Strategy Property-based testing framework
- Hex_format Hexadecimal string formatting for modular types
- Play_2048 2048 game: merge tiles with the same number until you add up to 2048
- Libsimpleio Linux Simple I/O Library
- Mcp2221 MCP2221 USB Raw HID I/O Expander Library for GNAT Ada
- Remoteio Remote I/O Protocol Client Library for GNAT Ada
- Gid Generic Image Decoder - decode a broad variety of image formats
- Image_io Output in BMP,PPM,QOI;input in BMP,GIF,JPG,PNG,PNM,QOI,TGA
- Qoi Ada/SPARK implementation of the Quite Ok Image format
- Bar_code_drawing Creation of bar codes and qr codes
- Bar_codes Generate various types of bar codes (1D or 2D) on various media
- Bar_codes Generate various types of bar codes (1D or 2D) on various media
- Bar_codes Generate various types of bar codes (1D or 2D) on various media
- Orka_transforms Library to transform vectors, matrices, and quaternions using SIMD
- Basalt Collection of formally verified building blocks
- Brackelib Library which contains various utility packages.
- Gwindows GWindows - Ada Framework for Windows Development
- Image_random True random numbers from a digital camera
- Mathpaqs A collection of mathematical, 100% portable, packages
- Orka_numerics Tensors (multidimensional arrays) and integrators
- Orka_tensors_cpu Tensors using SIMD instructions on the CPU
- Orka_tensors_gpu Tensors using compute shaders on the GPU
- Rsfile Randomly pick a file with probability proportional to its size
- System_random Minimal library to retrieve random data from system sources
- Xoshiro xoshiro128++ and xoshiro256++ pseudo-random number generators
- Pragmarc The PragmAda Reusable Components
- Rpio Driver for the BCM2835's GPIO, as seen on the Raspberry Pi
- Libsimpleio Linux Simple I/O Library
- Pico_bsp Board support package for Raspberry Pi Pico
- Rp2040_hal Drivers and HAL for the RP2040 micro-controller family
- Mathpaqs A collection of mathematical, 100% portable, packages
- Gid Generic Image Decoder - decode a broad variety of image formats
- Rxada Experimental implementation of ReactiveX in Ada
- Rxada Experimental implementation of ReactiveX in Ada
- Cheddar Cheddar is a real time scheduling analysis tool.
- Dg_loada dg_loada loads (restores) legacy DG AOS/VS DUMP_II files
- Checksum Algorithms for error-checking
- Crc_32 Cyclic Redundancy Check to verify data integrity (ISO 3309)
- Lal_refactor Source code refactoring utilities for the Ada language
- Liblal_refactor Source code refactoring library for the Ada language
- Gnatcoll GNAT Components Collection - Core packages
- Simple_regex Port of Rob Pike's simple regex from the Practice of Programming.
- Wikiada Wiki Engine with parser and renderer for several wiki syntaxes
- Freetypeada Thick binding to the FreeType library
- Geste GEneric Sprite and Tile Engine
- Globe_3d GLOBE_3D: GL Object Based Engine for 3D
- Openglada Thick Ada binding for OpenGL
- Openglada_images Image loading library for OpenGLAda
- Openglada_text Text rendering library for OpenGLAda
- Orka OpenGL 4.6 rendering kernel written in Ada 2012
- Orka_opengl OpenGL 4.6 backend for the Orka rendering engine
- Vanilla Simple replace in character stream
- Are Advanced Resource Embedder
- Minirest Minimalist Ada REST client library
- Openai OpenAI client library
- Openapi OpenAPI library to build REST client applications
- Openapi_server OpenAPI library to build REST server applications
- Servletada Web Servlet Library following JSR 154, JSR 315 (Core)
- Servletada_unit Web Servlet Library following JSR 154, JSR 315 (Testing framework)
- Utilada_curl Utility Library REST support on top of CURL
- Esp_idf Ada binding for the ESP-IDF SDK
- Xoshiro xoshiro128++ and xoshiro256++ pseudo-random number generators
- Adabots Learn Ada by programming Minecraft robots
- Edc_client Client library for:
- Eeprom_i2c EEPROM I2C drivers library for embedded platforms
- Itsybitsy_bsp Board support package for Arduino ItsyBitsy
- Itsybitsy_rp2040_bsp Board support package for Arduino ItsyBitsy RP2040
- Ltp_305 Driver for Pimoroni LED
- Pico_bsp Board support package for Raspberry Pi Pico
- Pico_examples Examples for Ada on the Raspberry Pi Pico
- Rp2040_hal Drivers and HAL for the RP2040 micro-controller family
- Sh1107 Driver for the SH1107/OLED 128x128 monochrome display
- Tiny_rp2040_bsp Board support package for Pimoroni Tiny RP2040
- Rtmidi Ada "middleweight" binding for the rtMIDI library
- Mathpaqs A collection of mathematical, 100% portable, packages
- Mathpaqs A collection of mathematical, 100% portable, packages
- Rxada Experimental implementation of ReactiveX in Ada
- Pragmarc The PragmAda Reusable Components
- Adasat Implementation of a DPLL-based SAT solver in Ada.
- Sciada Collection of Scientific Operations
- Sciada Collection of Scientific Operations
- Controlled_io Files that are open while they exist and closed when they don't
- Mage Mini Ada Game Engine - A very simple game engine written in Ada
- Adacl_regexp Ada Class Library - Regular Expressions
- Septum An interactive context-based text search tool for large codebases.
- Akt Ada Keystore Tool
- Chacha20 ChaCha20 implementation in Ada.
- Hmac HMAC implemented in Ada
- Keystoreada Ada Keystore
- Libkeccak SHA-3 and related algorithms
- Pbkdf2 PBKDF2 implemented in Ada
- Raiden An Ada implemenetation of a block cipher called Raiden.
- Security Security Library for HTTP client and server with OAuth2 support
- Sha1 Secure Hash Algorithm 1 implemented in Ada
- Sha2 Secure Hash Algorithm 2 implemented in Ada
- Sparknacl Verified SPARK 2014 re-implementation of TweetNaCl cryptographic library
- System_random Minimal library to retrieve random data from system sources
- Hac HAC Ada Compiler: a small, quick Ada compiler covering a subset of Ada
- Semantic_versioning Semantic Versioning in Ada
- Bme280 Driver for BME280 Humidity sensor
- Hmc5883 Driver for HMC5883L magnetic sensor
- Libsimpleio Linux Simple I/O Library
- Mcp2221 MCP2221 USB Raw HID I/O Expander Library for GNAT Ada
- Qmc5883 Driver for QMC5883L magnetic sensor
- Remoteio Remote I/O Protocol Client Library for GNAT Ada
- Libsimpleio Linux Simple I/O Library
- Mcp2221 MCP2221 USB Raw HID I/O Expander Library for GNAT Ada
- Remoteio Remote I/O Protocol Client Library for GNAT Ada
- Aws Ada Web Server
- Dummyserver DummyServer is a terminal program that serves dummy content
- Ews Embedded Web Server
- Gnoga gnoga - The GNU Omnificent GUI for Ada
- Libsimpleio Linux Simple I/O Library
- Mcp2221 MCP2221 USB Raw HID I/O Expander Library for GNAT Ada
- Remoteio Remote I/O Protocol Client Library for GNAT Ada
- Bit_sets A packed boolean array that saves space and is performant
- Dotenv Loads environment variables from .env for Ada projects.
- Asfml Ada binding to SFML, the Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
- Bingada Bingo application in GTKAda with sound in ASFML
- Honki_tonks_zivilisationen The Code of my 4X turn-based strategy game.
- Play_2048 2048 game: merge tiles with the same number until you add up to 2048
- Sha1 Secure Hash Algorithm 1 implemented in Ada
- Sha2 Secure Hash Algorithm 2 implemented in Ada
- Zipada Manage Zip Archives and raw BZip2 and LZMA streams
- Adare_dilithium5 Post Quantum Computer Resistant Cryptograph Sign, Dilithium5 Ada bind.
- Orka_simd Bindings for x86 SIMD extensions like SSE, AVX2, FMA, F16C
- Orka_tensors_cpu Tensors using SIMD instructions on the CPU
- Sciada Collection of Scientific Operations
- Vanilla Simple replace in character stream
- Blinkenlights Project to blink LEDs in interesting patterns
- Simh_tapes Library to handle SimH Standard magnetic tape image files
- Adacl Ada Class Library (String, Trace, AUnit, Smart Pointer. GetOpt)
- Ethernet Root crate for ethernet namespace and MDIO/SMI/MIIM interface
- Adasat Implementation of a DPLL-based SAT solver in Ada.
- Partord Small library for sorting with partial orders
- Pragmarc The PragmAda Reusable Components
- Bingada Bingo application in GTKAda with sound in ASFML
- Canberra_ada Ada 2012 bindings for libcanberra
- Emdee Performance assistant for Musical Directors
- Ada_caser Applies casing rules to Ada source code.
- Globe_3d GLOBE_3D: GL Object Based Engine for 3D
- Atomic Standalone Ada/SPARK bindings to GCC atomic built-ins
- Basalt Collection of formally verified building blocks
- Bbqueue DMA friendly lock-free BipBuffer
- Bigints Experimental SPARK Constant Time Big Integer library
- Blake2s SPARK83 implementation of the BLAKE2s hash function
- Cobs Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing (COBS) encoder/decoder
- Elogs Embedded logging, proven absent of runtime errors
- Endianness Convenience subprograms to convert between Big- and Little-endianness
- Libkeccak SHA-3 and related algorithms
- Program_proofs_in_spark Programs from the book Program Proofs in SPARK
- Saatana SPARK/Ada Algorithms Targeting Advanced Network Applications
- Slip SLIP Protocol Implementation
- Spark_unbound Unbound data structures in Ada-Spark
- Sparknacl Verified SPARK 2014 re-implementation of TweetNaCl cryptographic library
- Spat SPAT - SPARK Proof Analysis Tool
- Vaton Verified Ascii To Number conversion written in Ada/SPARK
- Xoshiro xoshiro128++ and xoshiro256++ pseudo-random number generators
- Ashell Allows running and interacting with OS programs.
- Spoon Use posix_spawn() to spawn processes without forking
- Spdx SPDX License Expression Validator
- Spdx_tool SPDX license detection and management tool
- Specfun Native Ada library of special functions (e.g., beta, gamma)
- Libsimpleio Linux Simple I/O Library
- Linux_hal HAL drivers for Linux userspace
- Mcp2221 MCP2221 USB Raw HID I/O Expander Library for GNAT Ada
- Remoteio Remote I/O Protocol Client Library for GNAT Ada
- St7789 SPI based driver for the ST7789 TFT display
- Splitter A function to emulate "split" as implemented in Ruby
- Geste GEneric Sprite and Tile Engine
- Adare_hqc256 Post Quantum Computer Resistant Cryptograph KEM, HQC 256 Ada bind.
- Orka_simd Bindings for x86 SIMD extensions like SSE, AVX2, FMA, F16C
- Aws Ada Web Server
- Gnoga gnoga - The GNU Omnificent GUI for Ada
- Tlsada Bindings for libtls
- Basalt Collection of formally verified building blocks
- Brackelib Library which contains various utility packages.
- Gid Generic Image Decoder - decode a broad variety of image formats
- Libsimpleio Linux Simple I/O Library
- Mcp2221 MCP2221 USB Raw HID I/O Expander Library for GNAT Ada
- Remoteio Remote I/O Protocol Client Library for GNAT Ada
- Octet_memory_stream Provides a Root_Stream_Type wrapper over an array of octets in memory.
- Utilada Utility Library with streams, processes, logs, serialization, encoders
- Utilada_lzma Utility Library streams with LZMA support
- Adacl Ada Class Library (String, Trace, AUnit, Smart Pointer. GetOpt)
- Basalt Collection of formally verified building blocks
- Emojis A library to replace names between colons with emojis
- Hex_format Hexadecimal string formatting for modular types
- Uxstrings Unicode Extended Strings utilities
- Vanilla Simple replace in character stream
- Bar_code_drawing Creation of bar codes and qr codes
- Bar_codes Generate various types of bar codes (1D or 2D) on various media
- Byteflippers Signed/modular types for system, big and little endian reading/writing.
- Exsytrawo Exception Symbolic Traceback Workaround for macOS
- Anagram Grammar handling and parser generation Ada library
- Virtapu A virtual Audio Processing Unit to simulate 8-bit era game sounds
- Tresses Synth library inspired by Mutable Instruments Braids
- Endianness Convenience subprograms to convert between Big- and Little-endianness
- System_random Minimal library to retrieve random data from system sources
- Db_maker A generic for creating simple DBs (one table in an RDBMS)
- Aaa_texts Utilities to deal with enriched human texts (ANSI, Unicode)
- Keypadder Programmable virtual keypad for your Linux desktop
- Simh_tapes Library to handle SimH Standard magnetic tape image files
- Gid Generic Image Decoder - decode a broad variety of image formats
- Pragmarc The PragmAda Reusable Components
- Workers Simple task pool for parallelization
- Bbt Black box test runner
- Adabots Learn Ada by programming Minecraft robots
- Bme280 Driver for BME280 Humidity sensor
- Mold Meta-variable Operations for Lean Development (cli)
- Mold_lib Meta-variable Operations for Lean Development (lib)
- Vss Advanced string and text manipulation with Unicode support
- Mold Meta-variable Operations for Lean Development (cli)
- Mold_lib Meta-variable Operations for Lean Development (lib)
- Mold Meta-variable Operations for Lean Development (cli)
- Mold_lib Meta-variable Operations for Lean Development (lib)
- Jintp Template parser in Ada based on Jinja2
- Matreshka_xml Library to manipulate with XML streams and documents
- Aaa_texts Utilities to deal with enriched human texts (ANSI, Unicode)
- Ansiada ANSI escape sequences
- Dashera DASHER Terminal Emulator
- Dummyserver DummyServer is a terminal program that serves dummy content
- Progress_indicators Ways of displaying progress in command line tools.
- Trendy_terminal Terminal options, setup, tab completion and hinting.
- Utf8test Test the terminal behavior when outputting Latin-1 and UTF-8 strings
- Wordle Wordle for the terminal
- Wordlelib Library to track progress in a game of Wordle
- Aunit Ada unit test framework
- Bbt Black box test runner
- Dummyserver DummyServer is a terminal program that serves dummy content
- Gnatcov Coverage Analysis Tool
- Strategy Property-based testing framework
- Trendy_test Minimal Effort Ada Unit Testing Library
- Texcad TeXCAD is a program for drawing or retouching {picture}s in LaTeX
- Texcad TeXCAD is a program for drawing or retouching {picture}s in LaTeX
- Cbsg Corporate Bullshit Generator library
- Controlled_io Files that are open while they exist and closed when they don't
- Emojis A library to replace names between colons with emojis
- Hex_format Hexadecimal string formatting for modular types
- Septum An interactive context-based text search tool for large codebases.
- Simple_regex Port of Rob Pike's simple regex from the Practice of Programming.
- Texts A no-frills library to deal with Unicode texts in Ada 2012
- Tiny_text Low resolution bitmap font with a small memory footprint
- Universal_text_file Proposed universal format for Unicode text files
- Vss Advanced string and text manipulation with Unicode support
- Get_password Read a string without echo, in password-like style
- Gid Generic Image Decoder - decode a broad variety of image formats
- Image_io Output in BMP,PPM,QOI;input in BMP,GIF,JPG,PNG,PNM,QOI,TGA
- Emdee Performance assistant for Musical Directors
- Adasat Implementation of a DPLL-based SAT solver in Ada.
- Ulid Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier
- Jwt JSON Web Token (JWT) implementation in Ada
- Splitter A function to emulate "split" as implemented in Ruby
- Splitter A function to emulate "split" as implemented in Ruby
- Lml Lightweight Markup Language conversions
- Toml_slicer Edit TOML files directly without parsing
- Yeison A JSON-like data structure using Ada 2022 features
- Yeison_12 A JSON-like data structure (Ada 2012 version)
- Adacl Ada Class Library (String, Trace, AUnit, Smart Pointer. GetOpt)
- Exsytrawo Exception Symbolic Traceback Workaround for macOS
- J2ada Almost Java to Ada translator
- Gid Generic Image Decoder - decode a broad variety of image formats
- Gid Generic Image Decoder - decode a broad variety of image formats
- Clic Command Line Interface Components
- Io_utils A terminal IO library
- Pragmarc The PragmAda Reusable Components
- Enet Ada Embedded Network Stack
- Aicwl Ada Industrial Control Widgets Library
- Cmd_ada Command based text UI, inspired by Python cmd module
- Ulid Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier
- Aaa_texts Utilities to deal with enriched human texts (ANSI, Unicode)
- Adacl_regexp Ada Class Library - Regular Expressions
- Emojis A library to replace names between colons with emojis
- Matreshka_league League - universal string library. Part of Matreshka framework
- Texts A no-frills library to deal with Unicode texts in Ada 2012
- Umwi Unicode Monospace Width Information
- Universal_text_file Proposed universal format for Unicode text files
- Utf8test Test the terminal behavior when outputting Latin-1 and UTF-8 strings
- Uxstrings Unicode Extended Strings utilities
- Vss Advanced string and text manipulation with Unicode support
- Aunit Ada unit test framework
- Trendy_test Minimal Effort Ada Unit Testing Library
- Aunit Ada unit test framework
- Trendy_test Minimal Effort Ada Unit Testing Library
- Bbs Root package for other crates and contains some physical units
- Bar_code_drawing Creation of bar codes and qr codes
- Bar_codes Generate various types of bar codes (1D or 2D) on various media
- Uri_ada Processing of URI strings
- Uri_mime URI & MIME Type Parsing and Manupulation
- Uri_ada Processing of URI strings
- Uri_mime URI & MIME Type Parsing and Manupulation
- Awa Ada Web Application
- Awa_unit Ada Web Application (Testing framework)
- Texts A no-frills library to deal with Unicode texts in Ada 2012
- Utf8test Test the terminal behavior when outputting Latin-1 and UTF-8 strings
- Si_units Pretty print physical values in properly scaled metric (SI) units.
- Aaa Alex's Ada Assortment (of miscellaneous utilities)
- Alr2appimage Tool to create an AppImage executable from an Alire crate
- Brackelib Library which contains various utility packages.
- Getada The unofficial mac and linux installer for Alire.
- Simple_logging Simple logging to console
- Uri_ada Processing of URI strings
- Wl_lib Handy library packages
- Basalt Collection of formally verified building blocks
- Resources Utility library to handle project resources at run-time
- Ulid Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier
- Uuids Implementation of RFC 9562 Universally Unique IDentifiers (UUIDs)
- Vanilla Simple replace in character stream
- Dotenv Loads environment variables from .env for Ada projects.
- Texcad TeXCAD is a program for drawing or retouching {picture}s in LaTeX
- Crc_32 Cyclic Redundancy Check to verify data integrity (ISO 3309)
- Gnatcoll GNAT Components Collection - Core packages
- Hac HAC Ada Compiler: a small, quick Ada compiler covering a subset of Ada
- Emdee Performance assistant for Musical Directors
- Umwi Unicode Monospace Width Information
- Wikiada Wiki Engine with parser and renderer for several wiki syntaxes
- Gwindows GWindows - Ada Framework for Windows Development
- Orka_awt Ada Window Toolkit
- Win32ada Ada API to the Windows library
- Wordle Wordle for the terminal
- Wordlelib Library to track progress in a game of Wordle
- Ajunitgen Generator of JUnit-compatible XML reports
- Libadalang2xml Generates XML for Ada source, using libadalang.
- Matreshka_league League - universal string library. Part of Matreshka framework
- Matreshka_xml Library to manipulate with XML streams and documents
- Utilada_xml Utility Library serialization with XML/Ada
- Vss Advanced string and text manipulation with Unicode support
- Xia Implements XPath 1.0 in Ada
- Axmpp XMPP client library in Ada
- Xoshiro xoshiro128++ and xoshiro256++ pseudo-random number generators
- Esp_idf Ada binding for the ESP-IDF SDK
- Lml Lightweight Markup Language conversions
- Yeison A JSON-like data structure using Ada 2022 features
- Yeison_12 A JSON-like data structure (Ada 2012 version)
- Elogs Embedded logging, proven absent of runtime errors
- Startup_gen Generates startup files (crt0 and linker script)
- Azip AZip - A portable Zip Archive Manager
- Dcf Ada 2012 library for document container files, Zip-based archive files
- Gnatcoll_zlib GNAT Components Collection - zlib binding
- Orka_plugin_archives Orka plug-in to load resources from Zip archives
- Zipada Manage Zip Archives and raw BZip2 and LZMA streams
- Zipdcf Tools that can (un)zip document container files, Zip-based archive files
- Gnatcoll_zlib GNAT Components Collection - zlib binding
- Z_compression Standalone version of the Zlib Deflate compression algorithm
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