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Quick Plot: an Ada-GUI program to quickly produce a plot of a data set
qplt -?
for usage instructions, or read the code that outputs them.
Qplt requires Ada GUI ( and the PragmAda Reusable Components ( Those unfamiliar with Ada GUI should install it, run the test programs, and be familiar with its Readme before running Qplt.
The files qplt_sine.txt, qplt_sombrero.txt, and qplt_wpop.txt contain sample data for Qplt.
qplt_sine.txt contains a sine curve. Suggested use:
qplt np -t Sine qplt_sine.txt
qplt_sombrero.txt contains the “Sombrero” curve, sin x / x (with the limit of 1 plotted for x = 0). Suggested use:
qplt np -t Sombrero qplt_sombrero.txt
qplt_wpop.txt contains values of world population since 1600. Suggested use:
qplt -t “World Population” -x Year -y “Population in billions” qplt_wpop.txt
The sample input files are proveded under the CC BY-SA license (