Portable package for producing dynamically PDF documents
PDF_Out is an Ada package for producing easily and automatically PDF files, from an Ada program, with text, vector graphics and raster graphics.

- Ideal for the dynamic production of reports, invoices, tickets, charts, maps etc.
- Vector graphics
- Inclusion of JPEG images
- Object oriented
- Task safe
- Endian-neutral
- Multi-platform, but native code build
- Standalone (no dependency on other libraires, bindings, etc.; no extra component needed for running)
- Unconditionally portable code: OS-, CPU-, compiler- independent code
- Pure Ada 95: this package can be used in projects in Ada 95, Ada 2005, Ada 2012 and later language versions
- Free, open-source
The creation of a PDF file is as simple as this small procedure:
with PDF_Out;
procedure Small_Demo is
pdf : PDF_Out.PDF_Out_File;
pdf.Create ("small.pdf");
pdf.Put_Line ("This is a very small demo for PDF_Out...");
end Small_Demo;